For each Friday in Lent between Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, we are hosting Lenten Dinners at Msgr Hughes Hall, St Mary Magdalen Church (25 N. Las Posas Rd). We’ll have fish and chips. There will be also a meatless soup and salad as well.
Knights we need your help
This is particularly the case if your kids need Service Hours. When you volunteer, please wear your name badge and any KofC shirt/hat/apron that you may have. We have six Fridays to not only serve food, but to recruit new members! Always be mindful that those who are not Knights are getting their impression of the Order based on what they see us do and hear us say.
For the Lenten Fridays we’ll need cooks, food runners, food servers, ticket collectors, membership recruiter, etc.
Please sign-up to help at our Lenten Friday Fish Fry. Remember we are a Catholic Fraternal Family organization, and so bring your wives and children as well.
This is particularly the case if your kids need Service Hours. When you volunteer, please wear your name badge and any KofC shirt/hat/apron that you may have. We have six Fridays to not only serve food, but to recruit new members! Always be mindful that those who are not Knights are getting their impression of the Order based on what they see us do and hear us say.